The 17th Asia Pacific ITS Forum opens the access to online participation

2021-06-04 Source: Views:2730

 Asia Pacific ITS Forum is the most influential comprehensive international event in ITS industry in the Asia Pacific region. The 17th AP ITS Forum will be held on April 12-15th in Brisbane, Australia, with the theme of “ITS Innovation Creating Liveable Communities.”


Under the impact of global pandemic, mobility limit has been exerted to various extents in every country. This forum specifically opens the online access for ITS across the world to join in the meetings and discussions, so as to advance ITS development in the Asia Pacific region.


As a member of AP ITS Board of Directors, and also the window for dialogue between China and International Society, the Alliance takes the chance of promoting the sound development of China ITS industry, and encourages the member units to actively join in the online meetings and to introduce the latest developments of the international ITS industry into our country.


For registration, you may access the following website:


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