Siemens prepares Copenhagen for driverless trains

2024-07-08 Source: Views:1348

Siemens Mobility is upgrading the entire 170km long S-bane network in Copenhagen to make it ready for the roll out of driverless trains from 2030 onwards.

The highest grade of automation using GoA4 technology will enable unattended train operations starting with the first phase in 2030 with the goal for it to be fully automated by 2033.

Contracts have been signed with Banedanmark (BDK) and DSB recently including the necessary signalling equipment for trains and wayside. GoA4 will allow the operator to run more trains in the entire system, enhance the level of passenger experience, secure the current punctuality rate and future-proof the network.

The new contracts have a total volume of about €270m and build on the original contract from 2011 to equip the Copenhagen S-train network with a communications-based train control (CBTC) system.

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