2024-06-13 Source: Views:1526

OmniAir Consortium®, the leading industry association promoting interoperability and certification for ITS, tolling, and connected vehicles, has published new security test cases for compliance with the IEEE 1609.2.1 standard.


The OmniAir Certification test plan has been updated and includes 10 mandatory and 50 optional test cases to be used in certification testing of C-V2X on-board units (OBUs) and roadside units (RSUs).  OmniAir Members can access the published 764b-OA-TSS&TP-160921 document in the Members Only Portal.


The IEEE 1609.2.1 standard defines an interoperable and consistent way authorized devices interact with Security Credential Management System (SCMS) service providers. OmniAir® supports implementation of the 1609.2.1 standard to promote device security and to facilitate SCMS interoperability.


To assure interoperability, OmniAir has defined a set of test cases that can be used to evaluate an implementation of the 1609.2.1 certificate interface protocol. These new test cases are the latest additions to OmniAir’s full-stack certification program for cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) radios.


“OmniAir and our members are committed to supporting interoperable and secure V2X equipment for deployment,” said Jason Conley, Executive Director of OmniAir. “Mandating these new security tests as part of the OmniAir Certification program will help to ensure the availability of trusted connected vehicle and infrastructure technologies.”


OmniAir’s test plan supports the SCMS Manager public profile for 1609.2.1, which defines a subset of the protocol options required for device interoperability in North America.  This trust by ensuring that all certified devices can interoperate with multiple certificate providers and receive critical Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and Certificate Trust List (CTL) updates to maintain regional interoperability.


The Federal Highway Administration’s recent $40 million Notice of Funding Opportunity for Accelerating V2X Deployment requires compliance with the 1609.2.1 standard, as a path to security credential management system (SCMS) and compatible devices.


OmniAir will offer 1609.2.1 testing at its upcoming OmniAir Mcity Plugfest in Ann Arbor, MI, supported by multiple SCMS providers from across North America, Europe, and Asia. This testing offers V2X device manufacturers a clear pathway to ensure compliance with the 1609.2.1 standards.


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