The ITS Symposium and Alliance 2020 annual meeting was successfully held in Beijing

2021-06-04 Source: Views:2833

On the 30th of March 2021, the ITS Symposium under the background of the 14th Five-Year plan and Alliance 2020 annual meeting was successfully held in Beijing.


This meeting was hosted by Xiaojing Wang, Chair of the China ITS Industry Alliance; Dong Liu, Deputy Director of the Department of Comprehensive Planning of MOT; Jianjun Zhang, Director of the Bureau of Highway MOT; Xuesong Shi, Vice President of Intelligent Transportation of Tencent Tech; Hongda Zhao, Senior Manager of Audi Automobile. 

The speech has been developed around The Outlines for Planning Comprehensive National Transport Network, the high quality development of the highway engineering industry standards, and how the Outlines shall guide the intelligent development of highway transport; Tencent and Audi have shared their ideas as to future digitalized transport and the development of intelligent automobiles respectively.


Over 200 members from the industries of transport, automotive and communication have attended this event, including RIOH, Telecom Research Institute, China Mobile, Unicom, China Telecom, Alibaba, Tesla, Baidu, Tencent, Didi chuxing, BMW, AutoNavi, Qualcomm, ZTE, China FMW, etc.

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